Wednesday, March 18, 2009

What inserts came last week?

I'm behind on my postings, these are the inserts that should be dated 3/15!!


MelTheo said...

Hey Mandi-

I just went to Smith's today and planned on buying the Dannon Activia Fiber Yogurt as part of the 10 participating items for $5.00 off, but it was NOT a participating item.

Also, the Dannon Frusion Smoothies were priced at 1.99 without the discount according to the grocery planner, but were actually 2.39 at the store. (actually the Dannon Activia Fiber Yogurt was priced at 2.39 also, not 1.99 as noted on the website planning page.)

I don't know if you have a way of updating the grocerysmarts website or not, but just thought I would let you know in case you do. FYI for everyone else!

-Melissa Theobald

Mandi said...

Thanks for the info. Grocery Smarts uses the ads to make the list and ad does say "32 oz Dannon Yogurt-Dannon Original or Light & Fit Yogurt or 4ct Activia or Fusion Drinks, All Varieties)"
$1.99 with card-$.50 Final Price t$1.49 each when you buy 10 items.
I'm not sure why it's different.

Mandi said...

Hey, I just went to Smiths and the the Dannon Activia Fiber Yogurt is not part of the sale, only the "drinks", but the drinks do ring up as 1.99 before the $5.00 promo! thanks again!!